FIFA World Cup 2026 Live on TV, Football today

Thursday, 20-03-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Uruguay Uruguay Argentina Argentina
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Ecuador Ecuador Venezuela Venezuela
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Brasil Brasil Colombia Colombia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Japón Japón Bahrein Bahrein
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Jordan Jordan Palestine Palestine
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Paraguay Paraguay Chile Chile
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Perú Perú Bolivia Bolivia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Australia Australia Indonesia Indonesia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Corea del Sur Corea del Sur Oman Oman
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Iraq Iraq Kuwait Kuwait
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Qatar Qatar Corea del Norte Corea del Norte
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Irán Irán EAU EAU
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Arabia Saudí Arabia Saudí China China
  • To be confirmed
Tuesday, 25-03-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Bolivia Bolivia Uruguay Uruguay
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Argentina Argentina Brasil Brasil
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Japón Japón Arabia Saudí Arabia Saudí
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
China China Australia Australia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Venezuela Venezuela Perú Perú
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Chile Chile Ecuador Ecuador
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Colombia Colombia Paraguay Paraguay
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Corea del Sur Corea del Sur Jordan Jordan
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Irán Irán Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Kuwait Kuwait Oman Oman
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Indonesia Indonesia Bahrein Bahrein
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Corea del Norte Corea del Norte EAU EAU
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Palestine Palestine Iraq Iraq
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Qatar Qatar
  • To be confirmed
Wednesday, 04-06-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Ecuador Ecuador Brasil Brasil
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Venezuela Venezuela Bolivia Bolivia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Paraguay Paraguay Uruguay Uruguay
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Chile Chile Argentina Argentina
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Colombia Colombia Perú Perú
  • To be confirmed
Thursday, 05-06-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Australia Australia Japón Japón
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Iraq Iraq Corea del Sur Corea del Sur
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Qatar Qatar Irán Irán
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Oman Oman Jordan Jordan
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Kuwait Kuwait Palestine Palestine
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Indonesia Indonesia China China
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
EAU EAU Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Bahrein Bahrein Arabia Saudí Arabia Saudí
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Corea del Norte Corea del Norte Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan
  • To be confirmed
Monday, 09-06-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Bolivia Bolivia Chile Chile
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Uruguay Uruguay Venezuela Venezuela
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Argentina Argentina Colombia Colombia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Brasil Brasil Paraguay Paraguay
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Perú Perú Ecuador Ecuador
  • To be confirmed
Tuesday, 10-06-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Japón Japón Indonesia Indonesia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
China China Bahrein Bahrein
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Jordan Jordan Iraq Iraq
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Corea del Sur Corea del Sur Kuwait Kuwait
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Qatar Qatar
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Irán Irán Corea del Norte Corea del Norte
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Arabia Saudí Arabia Saudí Australia Australia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Palestine Palestine Oman Oman
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias AFC
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan EAU EAU
  • To be confirmed
Tuesday, 09-09-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Uruguay Uruguay Perú Perú
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Argentina Argentina Venezuela Venezuela
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Brasil Brasil Chile Chile
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Paraguay Paraguay Ecuador Ecuador
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Colombia Colombia Bolivia Bolivia
  • To be confirmed
Wednesday, 10-09-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Bosnia Bosnia Austria Austria
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Serbia Serbia Inglaterra Inglaterra
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Hungría Hungría TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Chipre Chipre Rumanía Rumanía
  • To be confirmed
Sunday, 14-09-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Bolivia Bolivia Brasil Brasil
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Ecuador Ecuador Argentina Argentina
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Venezuela Venezuela Colombia Colombia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Chile Chile Uruguay Uruguay
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Sudamericanas
Perú Perú Paraguay Paraguay
  • To be confirmed
Friday, 10-10-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Finlandia Finlandia Lituania Lituania
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Malta Malta TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
República Checa República Checa TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Austria Austria San Marino San Marino
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Escocia Escocia Grecia Grecia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Islas Feroe Islas Feroe Montenegro Montenegro
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Chipre Chipre Bosnia Bosnia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Bielorrusia Bielorrusia TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Kazajistán Kazajistán Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
  • To be confirmed
Saturday, 11-10-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Bélgica Bélgica Macedonia Norte Macedonia Norte
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Suecia Suecia Suiza Suiza
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Islandia Islandia Ucrania Ucrania
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Irlanda del Norte Irlanda del Norte Eslovaquia Eslovaquia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Kosovo Kosovo Eslovenia Eslovenia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Azerbaiyán Azerbaiyán
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Luxemburgo Luxemburgo
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Letonia Letonia Andorra Andorra
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Noruega Noruega Israel Israel
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Hungría Hungría Armenia Armenia
  • To be confirmed
Sunday, 12-10-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Serbia Serbia Albania Albania
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Bulgaria Bulgaria Turquía Turquía
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Estonia Estonia TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Georgia Georgia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD República Irlanda República Irlanda
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Finlandia Finlandia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
San Marino San Marino Chipre Chipre
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Escocia Escocia Bielorrusia Bielorrusia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Islas Feroe Islas Feroe República Checa República Checa
  • To be confirmed
Monday, 13-10-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Rumanía Rumanía Austria Austria
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Lituania Lituania Polonia Polonia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Grecia Grecia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Gibraltar Gibraltar
  • To be confirmed
Tuesday, 14-10-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Eslovenia Eslovenia Suiza Suiza
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Suecia Suecia Kosovo Kosovo
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Islandia Islandia TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Ucrania Ucrania Azerbaiyán Azerbaiyán
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Irlanda del Norte Irlanda del Norte TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Eslovaquia Eslovaquia Luxemburgo Luxemburgo
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Macedonia Norte Macedonia Norte Kazajistán Kazajistán
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Gales Gales Bélgica Bélgica
  • To be confirmed
Wednesday, 15-10-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Turquía Turquía Georgia Georgia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
República Irlanda República Irlanda Armenia Armenia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Letonia Letonia Inglaterra Inglaterra
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Estonia Estonia Moldavia Moldavia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Andorra Andorra Serbia Serbia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Israel Israel
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Bulgaria Bulgaria
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Hungría Hungría
  • To be confirmed
Thursday, 13-11-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Noruega Noruega Estonia Estonia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Azerbaiyán Azerbaiyán Islandia Islandia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Armenia Armenia Hungría Hungría
  • To be confirmed
Friday, 14-11-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Inglaterra Inglaterra Serbia Serbia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
República Irlanda República Irlanda TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Moldavia Moldavia TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Andorra Andorra Albania Albania
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Ucrania Ucrania
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Finlandia Finlandia Malta Malta
  • To be confirmed
Saturday, 15-11-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Eslovaquia Eslovaquia Irlanda del Norte Irlanda del Norte
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Polonia Polonia TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Luxemburgo Luxemburgo TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Gibraltar Gibraltar Montenegro Montenegro
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Islas Feroe Islas Feroe
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Kazajistán Kazajistán Bélgica Bélgica
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Georgia Georgia TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Turquía Turquía Bulgaria Bulgaria
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Chipre Chipre Austria Austria
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Gales Gales
  • To be confirmed
Sunday, 16-11-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Eslovenia Eslovenia Kosovo Kosovo
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Bosnia Bosnia Rumanía Rumanía
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Grecia Grecia Escocia Escocia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Suiza Suiza Suecia Suecia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Bielorrusia Bielorrusia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Hungría Hungría República Irlanda República Irlanda
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Armenia Armenia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Ucrania Ucrania Islandia Islandia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Serbia Serbia Letonia Letonia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Azerbaiyán Azerbaiyán TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Albania Albania Inglaterra Inglaterra
  • To be confirmed
Monday, 17-11-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Israel Israel Moldavia Moldavia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Noruega Noruega
  • To be confirmed
Tuesday, 18-11-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Irlanda del Norte Irlanda del Norte Luxemburgo Luxemburgo
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Malta Malta Polonia Polonia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Montenegro Montenegro TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
República Checa República Checa Gibraltar Gibraltar
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Eslovaquia Eslovaquia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Lituania Lituania
  • To be confirmed
Wednesday, 19-11-2025
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Bélgica Bélgica Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Suecia Suecia Eslovenia Eslovenia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Rumanía Rumanía San Marino San Marino
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Austria Austria Bosnia Bosnia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Escocia Escocia TBD TBD
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Bulgaria Bulgaria Georgia Georgia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Bielorrusia Bielorrusia Grecia Grecia
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Gales Gales Macedonia Norte Macedonia Norte
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
Kosovo Kosovo Suiza Suiza
  • To be confirmed
  • FIFA World Cup 2026 Eliminatorias Europeas
TBD TBD Turquía Turquía
  • To be confirmed

More days


Up until today, 20-01-2025, and since this website started collecting statistical data on when and where matches of Football of FIFA World Cup 2026 in India, which was on 08-09-2023, the following data is shown:

There have been 140 televised matches, of which 138 matches have been on free-to-air TV and 2 on pay-per-view TV.

The television channels that have most frequently broadcast matches of this championship are as follows: FIFA+ (107), CONCACAF YouTube (30), OneFootball (18), Football Australia YouTube (3), CONMEBOL TV (2).

Additionally, during this time, the team that has received the most media coverage, gathering the highest number of different channels for all its FIFA World Cup 2026 matches, has been Qatar with a total of 3 channels, followed by Bolivia (2), Ecuador (2), Australia (2), India (2).


Arab MENA Arab MENA, statistical data from 12-10-2023 until today:

- 257 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 95 have been available for free viewing and 162 on pay channels.
- SSC Extra 1 HD is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: SSC Extra 1 HD, FIFA+, CONCACAF YouTube, SSC Sport, SSC SPORT 1 HD.

Argentina Argentina, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 1178 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 435 have been available for free viewing and 743 on pay channels.
- DSports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: DSports, TyC Sports, TyC Sports Play, FIFA+, Star+.

Bolivia Bolivia, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 718 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 289 have been available for free viewing and 429 on pay channels.
- Tigo Sports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: Tigo Sports, COTAS TV, FIFA+, Tigo Sports App, ESPN Play.

Brasil Brasil, statistical data from 14-06-2018 until today:

- 899 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 372 have been available for free viewing and 527 on pay channels.
- Estádio TNT Sports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: Estádio TNT Sports, FIFA+, SporTV, Rede Globo, Star+.

Canada Canada, statistical data from 26-03-2016 until today:

- 655 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 302 have been available for free viewing and 353 on pay channels.
- FIFA+ is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: FIFA+, FIFA TV YouTube, beIN SPORTS, TSN GO, TSN Direct.

Chile Chile, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 1109 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 457 have been available for free viewing and 652 on pay channels.
- DSports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: DSports, FIFA+, Star+, FIFA TV YouTube-, ChileVisión.

Colombia Colombia, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 1134 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 398 have been available for free viewing and 736 on pay channels.
- DSports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: DSports, Caracol Play, Caracol TV, Star+, FIFA+.

Costa Rica Costa Rica, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 1202 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 344 have been available for free viewing and 858 on pay channels.
- SKY Sports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: SKY Sports, FIFA+, FIFA TV YouTube-, TD Más, Teletica 7.

Danmark Danmark, statistical data from 17-03-2022 until today:

- 330 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 274 have been available for free viewing and 56 on pay channels.
- FIFA+ is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: FIFA+, TV2 Play, CONCACAF YouTube, TV 2, DR1.

Deutschland Deutschland, statistical data from 01-09-2016 until today:

- 1118 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 512 have been available for free viewing and 606 on pay channels.
- DAZN is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: DAZN, FIFA+, FIFA TV YouTube, Sportdigital Fussball, Das Erste.

Ecuador Ecuador, statistical data from 14-11-2015 until today:

- 1009 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 461 have been available for free viewing and 548 on pay channels.
- El Canal del Fútbol is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: El Canal del Fútbol, Star+, FIFA+, ECDF YouTube, DSports.

El Salvador El Salvador, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 1244 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 415 have been available for free viewing and 829 on pay channels.
- SKY Sports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: SKY Sports, FIFA+, FIFA TV YouTube-, Canal 4 TCS, Tigo Sports.

España España, statistical data from 22-03-2013 until today:

- 1146 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 684 have been available for free viewing and 462 on pay channels.
- Movistar Fútbol is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: Movistar Fútbol, FIFA+, GolStadium, Gol Mundial, FIFA TV YouTube.

France France, statistical data from 09-10-2020 until today:

- 719 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 531 have been available for free viewing and 188 on pay channels.
- L'Équipe Live is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: L'Équipe Live, FIFA+, beIN SPORTS, FIFA TV YouTube, L'Équipe TV.

Guatemala Guatemala, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 1236 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 367 have been available for free viewing and 869 on pay channels.
- SKY Sports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: SKY Sports, Tigo Sports, FIFA+, TV Azteca Guate, FIFA TV YouTube-.

Honduras Honduras, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 1225 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 382 have been available for free viewing and 843 on pay channels.
- SKY Sports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: SKY Sports, FIFA+, FIFA TV YouTube-, Tigo Sports, Canal 5 El Líder.

Italia Italia, statistical data from 24-03-2021 until today:

- 519 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 427 have been available for free viewing and 92 on pay channels.
- FIFA+ is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: FIFA+, FIFA TV YouTube, RSI La 2, OneFootball, Como TV.

México México, statistical data from 14-11-2015 until today:

- 835 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 386 have been available for free viewing and 449 on pay channels.
- SKY Sports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: SKY Sports, FIFA+, FIFA TV YouTube-, Azteca 7, Canal 5.

Nicaragua Nicaragua, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 1176 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 389 have been available for free viewing and 787 on pay channels.
- SKY Sports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: SKY Sports, FIFA+, Canal 10, FIFA TV YouTube-, Tigo Sports.

Norge Norge, statistical data from 17-03-2022 until today:

- 347 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 237 have been available for free viewing and 110 on pay channels.
- FIFA+ is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: FIFA+, TV 2 Play, VG+, NRK TV, CONCACAF YouTube.

Österreich Österreich, statistical data from 06-10-2016 until today:

- 362 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 280 have been available for free viewing and 82 on pay channels.
- FIFA+ is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: FIFA+, Sportdigital Fussball, ORF 1, Sportdigital+ App, OneFootball PPV.

Panamá Panamá, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 1252 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 441 have been available for free viewing and 811 on pay channels.
- SKY Sports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: SKY Sports, FIFA+, FIFA TV YouTube-, RPC TV, Tigo Sports.

Paraguay Paraguay, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 666 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 369 have been available for free viewing and 297 on pay channels.
- FIFA+ is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: FIFA+, SNT, Telefuturo, ESPN Play, Tigo Sports.

Perú Perú, statistical data from 14-11-2015 until today:

- 860 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 333 have been available for free viewing and 527 on pay channels.
- FIFA+ is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: FIFA+, DSports, Latina, Star+, Movistar TV App.

Portugal Portugal, statistical data from 10-10-2020 until today:

- 652 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 265 have been available for free viewing and 387 on pay channels.
- Sport TV is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: Sport TV, FIFA TV YouTube, FIFA+, Sport TV 1, AFC Asian Cup YouTube.

Republic of Ireland Republic of Ireland, statistical data from 04-09-2016 until today:

- 1118 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 634 have been available for free viewing and 484 on pay channels.
- Sky Sports Red Button is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: Sky Sports Red Button, FIFA+, FIFA TV YouTube, OneFootball, ITV1.

República Dominicana República Dominicana, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today:

- 1077 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 296 have been available for free viewing and 781 on pay channels.
- SKY Sports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: SKY Sports, FIFA+, Antena 7, Diario Libre, Star+.

Schweizer Schweizer, statistical data from 21-11-2023 until today:

- 11 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 0 have been available for free viewing and 11 on pay channels.
- Blue Sport is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: Blue Sport, Blue Sport Livestream.

Suomi Suomi, statistical data from 17-03-2022 until today:

- 328 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 275 have been available for free viewing and 53 on pay channels.
- FIFA+ is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: FIFA+, VeikkausTV, Yle Areena, Yle TV2, CONCACAF YouTube.

Sverige Sverige, statistical data from 17-03-2022 until today:

- 335 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 277 have been available for free viewing and 58 on pay channels.
- FIFA+ is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: FIFA+, Discovery+, C More Stream, SVT Play, TV4.

United Kingdom United Kingdom, statistical data from 04-09-2016 until today:

- 1176 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 602 have been available for free viewing and 574 on pay channels.
- Sky Sports Red Button is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: Sky Sports Red Button, FIFA+, FIFA TV YouTube, OneFootball, ITV1.

Uruguay Uruguay, statistical data from 08-10-2015 until today:

- 926 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 408 have been available for free viewing and 518 on pay channels.
- DSports is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: DSports, FIFA+, Antel TV, Star+, FIFA TV YouTube-.

USA USA, statistical data from 26-03-2016 until today:

- 1367 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 145 have been available for free viewing and 1222 on pay channels.
- ESPN+ Plus is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: ESPN+ Plus, ESPN 3, FIFA+, Telemundo, FIFA TV YouTube.

Venezuela Venezuela, statistical data from 14-11-2015 until today:

- 945 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 487 have been available for free viewing and 458 on pay channels.
- FIFA+ is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: FIFA+, DSports, FIFA TV YouTube-, ESPN Play, DIRECTV Play.

日本 日本, statistical data from 13-12-2022 until today:

- 233 matches aired from FIFA World Cup 2026.
- 174 have been available for free viewing and 59 on pay channels.
- FIFA+ is the channel that has broadcasted it the most.
- The TVs that have broadcasted it live the most times are: FIFA+, DAZN, CONCACAF YouTube, CONCACAF GO, DMM×DAZNホーダイ.

Read news

Now, there are 166 FIFA World Cup 2026 live televised matches and 1 TV channels will broadcast each and every one of them. The next match you will be able to enjoy is Uruguay - Argentina and it will be played next 20 March 2025 at 01:00 televised by To be confirmed.