Thursday, 20-03-2025 | ||||
PD |
| Uruguay | Argentina | |
PD |
| Ecuador | Venezuela |
PD |
| Brasil | Colombia |
PD |
| Japón | Bahrein |
PD |
| Jordan | Palestine |
PD |
| Paraguay | Chile |
PD |
| Perú | Bolivia |
PD |
| Australia | Indonesia |
PD |
| Corea del Sur | Oman |
PD |
| Uzbekistan | Kyrgyzstan |
PD |
| Iraq | Kuwait |
PD |
| Qatar | Corea del Norte |
PD |
| Irán | EAU |
PD |
| Arabia Saudí | China |
Tuesday, 25-03-2025 | ||||
PD |
| Bolivia | Uruguay |
PD |
| Argentina | Brasil |
PD |
| Japón | Arabia Saudí |
PD |
| China | Australia |
PD |
| Venezuela | Perú |
PD |
| Chile | Ecuador |
PD |
| Colombia | Paraguay |
PD |
| Corea del Sur | Jordan |
PD |
| Irán | Uzbekistan |
PD |
| Kuwait | Oman |
PD |
| Indonesia | Bahrein |
PD |
| Corea del Norte | EAU |
PD |
| Palestine | Iraq |
PD |
| Kyrgyzstan | Qatar |
Wednesday, 04-06-2025 | ||||
PD |
| Ecuador | Brasil |
PD |
| Venezuela | Bolivia |
PD |
| Paraguay | Uruguay |
PD |
| Chile | Argentina |
PD |
| Colombia | Perú |
Thursday, 05-06-2025 | ||||
PD |
| Australia | Japón |
PD |
| Iraq | Corea del Sur |
PD |
| Qatar | Irán |
PD |
| Oman | Jordan |
PD |
| Kuwait | Palestine |
PD |
| Indonesia | China |
PD |
| EAU | Uzbekistan |
PD |
| Bahrein | Arabia Saudí |
PD |
| Corea del Norte | Kyrgyzstan |
Monday, 09-06-2025 | ||||
PD |
| Bolivia | Chile |
PD |
| Uruguay | Venezuela |
PD |
| Argentina | Colombia |
PD |
| Brasil | Paraguay |
PD |
| Perú | Ecuador |
Tuesday, 10-06-2025 | ||||
PD |
| Japón | Indonesia |
PD |
| China | Bahrein |
PD |
| Jordan | Iraq |
PD |
| Corea del Sur | Kuwait |
PD |
| Uzbekistan | Qatar |
PD |
| Irán | Corea del Norte |
PD |
| Arabia Saudí | Australia |
PD |
| Palestine | Oman |
PD |
| Kyrgyzstan | EAU |
Tuesday, 09-09-2025 | ||||
PD |
| Uruguay | Perú |
PD |
| Argentina | Venezuela |
PD |
| Brasil | Chile |
PD |
| Paraguay | Ecuador |
PD |
| Colombia | Bolivia |
Wednesday, 10-09-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Bosnia | Austria |
00:45 |
| Serbia | Inglaterra |
00:45 |
| Hungría | TBD |
00:45 |
| Chipre | Rumanía |
Sunday, 14-09-2025 | ||||
PD |
| Bolivia | Brasil |
PD |
| Ecuador | Argentina |
PD |
| Venezuela | Colombia |
PD |
| Chile | Uruguay |
PD |
| Perú | Paraguay |
Friday, 10-10-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Finlandia | Lituania |
00:45 |
| Malta | TBD |
00:45 |
| República Checa | TBD |
00:45 |
| Austria | San Marino |
00:45 |
| Escocia | Grecia |
00:45 |
| Islas Feroe | Montenegro |
00:45 |
| Chipre | Bosnia |
00:45 |
| Bielorrusia | TBD |
20:00 |
| Kazajistán | Liechtenstein |
Saturday, 11-10-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Bélgica | Macedonia Norte |
00:45 |
| Suecia | Suiza |
00:45 |
| Islandia | Ucrania |
00:45 |
| Irlanda del Norte | Eslovaquia |
00:45 |
| Kosovo | Eslovenia |
00:45 |
| TBD | Azerbaiyán |
00:45 |
| TBD | Luxemburgo |
19:00 |
| Letonia | Andorra |
22:00 |
| Noruega | Israel |
22:00 |
| Hungría | Armenia |
Sunday, 12-10-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Serbia | Albania |
00:45 |
| Bulgaria | Turquía |
00:45 |
| Estonia | TBD |
00:45 |
| TBD | Georgia |
00:45 |
| TBD | República Irlanda |
04:00 |
| TBD | Finlandia |
19:00 |
| San Marino | Chipre |
22:00 |
| Escocia | Bielorrusia |
22:00 |
| Islas Feroe | República Checa |
Monday, 13-10-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Rumanía | Austria |
00:45 |
| Lituania | Polonia |
00:45 |
| TBD | Grecia |
00:45 |
| TBD | Gibraltar |
Tuesday, 14-10-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Eslovenia | Suiza |
00:45 |
| Suecia | Kosovo |
00:45 |
| Islandia | TBD |
00:45 |
| Ucrania | Azerbaiyán |
00:45 |
| Irlanda del Norte | TBD |
00:45 |
| Eslovaquia | Luxemburgo |
00:45 |
| Macedonia Norte | Kazajistán |
00:45 |
| Gales | Bélgica |
Wednesday, 15-10-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Turquía | Georgia |
00:45 |
| República Irlanda | Armenia |
00:45 |
| Letonia | Inglaterra |
00:45 |
| Estonia | Moldavia |
00:45 |
| Andorra | Serbia |
00:45 |
| TBD | Israel |
00:45 |
| TBD | Bulgaria |
00:45 |
| TBD | Hungría |
Thursday, 13-11-2025 | ||||
22:00 |
| Noruega | Estonia |
22:00 |
| Azerbaiyán | Islandia |
22:00 |
| Armenia | Hungría |
Friday, 14-11-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Inglaterra | Serbia |
00:45 |
| República Irlanda | TBD |
00:45 |
| Moldavia | TBD |
00:45 |
| Andorra | Albania |
00:45 |
| TBD | Ucrania |
22:00 |
| Finlandia | Malta |
Saturday, 15-11-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Eslovaquia | Irlanda del Norte |
00:45 |
| Polonia | TBD |
00:45 |
| Luxemburgo | TBD |
00:45 |
| Gibraltar | Montenegro |
00:45 |
| TBD | Islas Feroe |
19:00 |
| Kazajistán | Bélgica |
22:00 |
| Georgia | TBD |
22:00 |
| Turquía | Bulgaria |
22:00 |
| Chipre | Austria |
22:00 |
| Liechtenstein | Gales |
Sunday, 16-11-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Eslovenia | Kosovo |
00:45 |
| Bosnia | Rumanía |
00:45 |
| Grecia | Escocia |
00:45 |
| Suiza | Suecia |
00:45 |
| TBD | Bielorrusia |
19:00 |
| Hungría | República Irlanda |
19:00 |
| TBD | Armenia |
22:00 |
| Ucrania | Islandia |
22:00 |
| Serbia | Letonia |
22:00 |
| Azerbaiyán | TBD |
22:00 |
| Albania | Inglaterra |
Monday, 17-11-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Israel | Moldavia |
00:45 |
| TBD | Noruega |
Tuesday, 18-11-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Irlanda del Norte | Luxemburgo |
00:45 |
| Malta | Polonia |
00:45 |
| Montenegro | TBD |
00:45 |
| República Checa | Gibraltar |
00:45 |
| TBD | Eslovaquia |
00:45 |
| TBD | Lituania |
Wednesday, 19-11-2025 | ||||
00:45 |
| Bélgica | Liechtenstein |
00:45 |
| Suecia | Eslovenia |
00:45 |
| Rumanía | San Marino |
00:45 |
| Austria | Bosnia |
00:45 |
| Escocia | TBD |
00:45 |
| Bulgaria | Georgia |
00:45 |
| Bielorrusia | Grecia |
00:45 |
| Gales | Macedonia Norte |
00:45 |
| Kosovo | Suiza |
00:45 |
| TBD | Turquía |
Up until today, 20-01-2025, and since this website started collecting statistical data on when and where matches of Football of FIFA World Cup 2026 in India, which was on 08-09-2023, the following data is shown: |
Arab MENA, statistical data from 12-10-2023 until today: Argentina, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: Bolivia, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: Brasil, statistical data from 14-06-2018 until today: Canada, statistical data from 26-03-2016 until today: Chile, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: Colombia, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: Costa Rica, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: Danmark, statistical data from 17-03-2022 until today: Deutschland, statistical data from 01-09-2016 until today: Ecuador, statistical data from 14-11-2015 until today: El Salvador, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: España, statistical data from 22-03-2013 until today: France, statistical data from 09-10-2020 until today: Guatemala, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: Honduras, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: Italia, statistical data from 24-03-2021 until today: México, statistical data from 14-11-2015 until today: Nicaragua, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: Norge, statistical data from 17-03-2022 until today: Österreich, statistical data from 06-10-2016 until today: Panamá, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: Paraguay, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: Perú, statistical data from 14-11-2015 until today: Portugal, statistical data from 10-10-2020 until today: Republic of Ireland, statistical data from 04-09-2016 until today: República Dominicana, statistical data from 05-09-2015 until today: Schweizer, statistical data from 21-11-2023 until today: Suomi, statistical data from 17-03-2022 until today: Sverige, statistical data from 17-03-2022 until today: United Kingdom, statistical data from 04-09-2016 until today: Uruguay, statistical data from 08-10-2015 until today: USA, statistical data from 26-03-2016 until today: Venezuela, statistical data from 14-11-2015 until today: 日本, statistical data from 13-12-2022 until today: |
Now, there are 166 FIFA World Cup 2026 live televised matches and 1 TV channels will broadcast each and every one of them. The next match you will be able to enjoy is Uruguay - Argentina and it will be played next 20 March 2025 at 01:00 televised by To be confirmed.